Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I am starting to think that sleeping through the night will be something I never do again. I think Jack is getting more teeth, because he was up ALL night. I took the first shift of getting up and rearranging him every 10 mins, and Bill took the second. I can not function. Apparently, there is something going around the daycare again, and I am not pleased. He just got over bronchitis two and a half weeks ago, and is already behind on his six month shots because he had a fever. It is a such a rock and a hard place predicament when you have to work and have a sick baby.

I am a little nervous about this weekend and getting sleep, because we will be spending easter with Bill's family. Jack has been crying a lot during the night, so I have a feeling if he is still like that this weekend I will be up a lot with him so that he does not disrupt the rest of the house.

I just want sleep so badly. The last time I slept NON-STOP through the night was last year sometime when my mom watched him overnight. I am up every night, at least once. I am starting to lose my mind.