Monday, February 16, 2009

Mommy Brain

Mommy brain- It is this mysterious disease that attacks the pregnant mother's brain and prevents her from functioning normally. There are actually studies out there that the hormones alter your way of thinking and that there may actually be possible SLIGHT brain shrinkage during pregnancy. I remember mommy brain during my pregnancy with Jack. I would do silly things like shave my right leg but forget to shave my left, put the cereal in the refrigerator, and my favorite was while I was making a cake I cracked the eggs and threw the shells in the bowl and the yolks in the trash can. Yay! This round of mommy brain is a little worse. Sure, I do little silly things, like, last night I caught myself putting the salt shaker in the fridge but I have noticed this brain disease seeping into my work. I make these silly mistakes. It is like when you take a math test and you are working on this really long algebraic problem and you get it wrong because you added two and two and got seven. Except you know that it obviously the wrong answer, but it happened. You had a brain fart. Well, right now my mind thinks two plus two is ALWAYS seven. My brain is always farting! I am not even sure how to end this post, because my brain decided it does not feel like thinking anymore. Brain fart.