Monday, February 9, 2009

He's just not that into you can suck it.

No spoilers heres. I went to see "he's just not that into you" with cheman yesterday. The ending of the movie was wrapped in a nice little bow, where all of the storylines- for the most part- came to a cutesy little ending. However, not before the movie completely portrayed women as crazy CRAZIES who only obsess about love and relationships and are either waiting by the phone for a guy to call of waiting for him to pop the question. I would like to say that I am not a feminist by any stretch of the imagination, and that I am a happily married woman. However, I did once date and I had crushes on guys so I know what it is like to have NO FREAKING CLUE what a guy is thinking about where you two might be going. All this movie does is say is that if you have no idea what is going on then nothing is. And, that all women do is obsess about every little nuance a guy does and that we go home after every first date and start planning our destination weddings. Hold on a second! First of all, I am not a desperate person, and I do not know ANYONE who goes out with a guy and comes home and starts choosing baby names. Second, the one thing they never thought to touch on in this movie was the fact that MAYBE JUUUUST MAYBE the reason women get so confused is because men play more games and add more drama to dates and relationships than women. Men always claim to be so simple and so straightforward- and if that is in fact the case, then why the hell do they just not tell you exactly what they want from the get go. Do not give a woman your number and take hers and tell her you'll call her and that the two of you should go out again sometime and not mean it. If you do not like her and you do not ever want to see her again, tell her. 97.8753% of women sit there wondering what is going on because men allow them to think there is something going on. So women turn out to look like desperate little freaks. And, if you aren't a desperate little freak, then you fall under the categories of control freak, wishful marriage freak, or conniving stealing husband freak.

So, maybe I took my reaction to this innocent romantic comedy too seriously, but all I did through that ENTIRE movie was whisper things like "women aren't THAT ridiculous" or "what the hell?" . And, then when I got home all me and my pregnant hormones did was be annoyed.


Michelle said...

So should I not see it on Saturday?

Momma Bird said...

haha... I do not want to deter anyone from seeing it. I just apparently had majors issues with it. But, I am also pregnant and tired and hormonal, so I throw things at the TV when those digital switch over commercials come on. So, I may have tainted judgements. You decide.