Saturday, April 5, 2008

This morning, before I left for work, I got out Jack's food for Bill and left it on the counter. As I was driving to work, I thought about what I did: got Jacks diaper bag ready, put out the foods for him to eat for the day, etc- and I realized how ridiculous that really was. When Bill asked me what I was doing, I told him I was just getting stuff ready so it was one less thing he had to do. What that really the reason though? Do I really think Bill was that incapable of feeding and clothing Jack? As if there was any imminent fear of him smashing up a light-bulb and sprinkling it on some pureed brown sugar candle and feeding it to Jack for lunch? Why do mothers have such a anal disposition when it comes to their children's schedule. As if it is going to matter is he eats carrots instead of squash for lunch, if he wears the red shirt instead of the button down? I wish I was as anal about other things as much as I am about stupid stuff.