Wednesday, April 30, 2008

8 Months

Dear Jack,

Yesterday (ok...a week ago), you turned eight months old. You have grown so much in the past 31 days, I often look at you and ask, "Who are you?"

By far, my favorite moment with you this month was yesterday itself. You hate baths- every time we stick you in the tub it is like we just placed you in flesh eating acid. Because of that, it usually takes the help of your dad so that one of us can hold you and the other can wipe you down and rinse you off so that we can get you in and out as quickly as possible. So, per usual, we got you ready and placed you in the water. As we waited for the tense shrieks, you looked at the running water, at us, and down at the water in the tub and began to laugh hysterically. Then you proceeding to try and dive into the water like a fish.

You decided a couple of weeks ago that pureed green beans are below you and jarred chicken and noodle dinner is too infantile for your sophisticated palette. Unfortunately, your gums are unable to ravage whole cows, so it a darn good thing you are in the process of becoming the proud new owner of THREE slowly developing top teeth. That is right, YOU HAVE A CANINE! Today canine teeth, tomorrow the keys to the car.

Introducing you to new foods is one of my favorite things. This month you tried Birthday Cake Ice cream...I thought "Hallelujah" was going to be your first word, because you were THAT excited about it. You could not get enough of it, and every time you got a bite you completely spazzed- with arms flaying and emphasized m's. If you were that excited about ice cream, just wait till you turn 21.

Aside from food, your crawling has gotten lighting fast, and it is getting harder to keep track of you. I set you down, and like superman- faster that a speeding bullet- you are in the kitchen in Jake's cat food. I should really just buy gates already, but like the cabinet door locks that are sitting on top of the hutch collecting dust- god only knows when it will happen. I am going to break it to you now- I think you should have a seat for this....Your mother is lazy. You also learn with time that I am completely impatient, which makes me one big contradiction. They make songs about people like me.

Speaking of songs- you are starting to develop a taste in music. There will be times you will be in mid-scream while we are in the car and all of the sudden Sarah Barella(spelling is irrelevant) "love song" will come on and you will immediately stop. Then, the song will change and if it is something you do not care to hear then you resume screaming. I used to think I was a bad mom because I do not play nursery rhyme cd's in the car and rarely ever at home. Yeah, sometimes I sing "The wheels on the bus" to you and other kiddy "treasures", but that is about it. I figure it this way- when you are 5 and all of the other boys are running around to ring-around-the rosie, you will be in the corner belting out "slow dance" by John Legend with a crowd of girls swarming you. You're Welcome.

