Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Teething Hell

I started to write Jack's 8 month letter last week, but have not finished it yet (obviously) because frankly I am just too damn tired.

If I was with someone who had just had a near death experience and they came back telling me that they had just had the strangest dream about swimming in a pool of orajel surrounded by babies chewing on teething rings, I will know instantly that they must not be a very good person because they just came back from the fifth level of hell.

The last three nights have been excruciating. I am so tired, I physically hurt. The teething experience has never been this bad. Jack is cutting three teeth, the two top front and one canine. He does not want to eat and most horribly does not want to sleep. I called the doctor this morning to see if there was anything I could do. She asked if I had tried a cold compress, tylenol, or orajel. I will tell you like I told her, aside from bashing my head in with a sledge hammer, I have tried E V E R Y T H I N G. I have even cannonballed into the realm of old home remedies. Nothing is working. Not cold teething rings or cloths, not orajel, not Tylenol, not mortrin, not teething tablets, not whiskey, not even vanilla extract. Yes we let him cry and yes we even tried co-sleeping last night, but turns out he doesn't like it either.

My nerves are frayed. I am a zombie. I am getting my tubes tied at noon.