Sunday, August 31, 2008

1 year down, many to go...

Yesterday was Jack's first birthday party. We had a couple immediate family members over, some burgers, and some cake. As I was cleaning up the plastic cups and birthday plates covered in icing, it finally sunk in that my baby was one. It was a celebration of more than surviving the 1400 dirty diapers, 1900 bottles, 300 sleepless nights, 46 toys to step on in the dark, 24 ruined outfits, 18 stains on the carpet, and 2 very and tantrum filled car rides a day. For every dirty diaper there were 5 giggles, for every bottle there were 4 hugs and kisses, for every toe stub there were 3 milestones, and for every ruined out fit and stain and tantrum there was a little boy who lit up at the sight of his mommy and daddy.

It has been a hard year, but a rewarding year. And, it was nice to indulge in a slice of cake and a few martini's to be celebrate how grateful I am for every moment- regardless of how much hair I have pulled out of my head.