Saturday, August 2, 2008

I have an itch that needs scratched.

Jack is walking; like a drunken sailor, but walking nonetheless. He is almost a year old, and I am finding that baby amnesia is starting to set in. I am starting to forget the sleepless nights and the three hour crying sessions-between me and him-, and the constant carrying and walking around.

I am so ready for another baby, that I have found myself choosing names. I keep seeing all of the pregnant women around me and I can't help but feel nostalgia of being pregnant myself. Sure it was hard and I felt gross and the road maps on my body will never go away- but there was something special about being pregnant. People looked at you differently and treated you differently- it is that experience in your life that shows you true humanity and the excitement people have about new life; no matter how annoying it is when the sixth person puts their hand on your stomach.

I want to feel that first moment of when the baby is born again and to mesmerize over the little person you helped create. I never thought I would be able to love a child as much as I love Jack, but I think that is what is so amazing about mothers- their capacity and ability to love each of their children with the same intensity.

I am not sure I would get pregnant tomorrow; I finally got my body back, but I wish I didnt have to wait another 2 years to try.