Friday, September 5, 2008

Random Musing

It used to take me forever to pack. Honestly- at least two hours, and that was just for my clothing. Last night, I packed for this weekends football game and I think it took me all of 15 mins- if that. I dont think it is because I don't "care" about what I look like, because I certainly do. I think after Jack was born and now that I am married, I am less concerned with going out of my way to make an effort. I used to bring 30 outfits for a 7 day trip, because I didnt know what I might want to wear. When I went on vacation with my family in July, I packed one outfit for everyday, a couple of beach shorts, a couple t shirts for running or bed, and the undies. I began to realize it isn't exactly what you wear, it is how you wear it. If I feel just as good after spending only 15 minutes getting ready as I did when I spent 2 hours getting ready, than that is all that matters. Not to mention, I have to have all of that spare time getting the baby ready. In fact HE is the one I bring 30 outfits for. Then you need bottles and cups and toys and snacks and diapers and wipes and medicine and extra juice...and that is just to go to Target for some milk.

Anyway, back on track. I am afraid that I will become TOO lazy with myself. That one day I won't even bother to fold the clothes I put in a suit case. Who cares if I look like I just stepped off a 18 hour plane ride!

So many people seem to "let themselves go" when they get married and start having kids. It's like all of the sudden, now that you have children to get ready you can't take five minutes to put on some lip gloss and nice sweater. And, what is even worse, is that it is pitied:

"Who dressed her this morning, her blind cat? Oh, nevermind she's married and a mother. poor thing, i'm surprised she put her bra on this morning."

I'm really not sure where I am going with this.

I want my husband to be married to the person he first met, and not just a frumpy shell of what once was. I am happy that I have become simpler, but I do not want to lose some of the things that made me ME. It shouldn't feel selfish to work out, buy a new outfit that wasn't made by hanes-her-way one in a while, and have 5 mins to put on some make-up...even if it is just going to Target to pick up milk.