Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Month 22

Dear Jack,

Since I slacked on Month 21, I thought I would try to make-up for it by keeping up with Month 22. Not to mention, you have grown about 10 years in the last 2 weeks and I need to try and keep up.

Your obsession with cars in the last two weeks is unparalleled by you love of anything else. You take them everywhere, and more recently have decided their hard-cold metal structures make the perfect cuddling companion while you sleep. You are all boy, my son.

You have also become quite the little mocking bird, and relish in repeating everything we say as soon as we say it- which is why your father and I have had to eliminate 57% of our vocabulary. You are not just repeating single words anymore, either, but entire phrases. About a week ago, you and I were driving out of the Walmart parking lot and a car cut us off. I retaliated with a "Are you kidding me?" You immediatly replied, and continued to repeat for the next 5 minutes "You kiddin' me?". Which is a perfect example of why I have installed extra filters between my brain and my mouth.

I am not the bragging kind of mother, but I have to say that your fascination and uncanny observation for details is quite impressive. You seem pick-up things we tell you relatively quickly, and you even have the ability to connect your own associations with that information. For instance, your Uncle Jason is a police officer. You have never seen him in his uniform, nor have you seen him in a police car. In fact, no one has ever pointed to a random police car and said his name. However, everytime you see a police car you say "Jason car". On Monday night, we were sitting outside and a police siren went off in the distance and you, once again, said his name. I have no idea how were able to make the connection between Uncle Jason and police car, let alone the connection between a siren and a police car and Uncle Jason. You little smarty pants.

Since it is always important to remain modest, I will offset the previous paragraph with this next little gem. The other day, as you were getting out of the tub, you pointed to your little man part and asked, "Mommy, what's dat?" And, I just laughed and laughed- which is probably something that will affect your self esteem for the rest of your life, become a recurring topic of discussion with your future therapist, and the inspire the title of your memoirs- "I pointed to my private parts and all my mother did was laugh".

It is my job to be your biggest cheerleader and the person that will embarass you the most. It is not easy, but someone has to do it.




Laura said...

Jenna... your last paragraph cracked. me. up.

Isn't it so much fun to be a mom and get to watch your kids learn and grow. And it gets even MORE fun when they start talking and sharing with us what is actually in their little heads.