Thursday, March 5, 2009

Establishing A Foundation

Today, after work, we are starting the physical search for a house to call ours- our own home. Our lease is up in June, and with a new baby on the way we DEFINITELY need more room. We are tripping over ourselves as it is and so I can not imagine adding another human being into the mix. We had originally planned on renting, because the thought of owning did not seem at all feasible. The thought never even crossed our minds as being an option. When we began having trouble finding rentals on our own, we enlisted a real estate agent. After meeting with a finance man- that is his official title of course- and seeing everything on paper, purschasing a house did not seem scary at all but actually extremely possible and realistic. The monthly payments for a mortgage, real estate taxes, and home owners insurance would be less that what we were expecting to pay for rent. Why throw all of that money down the toilet when you could at least be building equity. Plus, with the new home buyer credit of $8K given to you by the government, it made the decision even easier. We can take what we had put aside and use it as a down payment and then replenish it after we get the credit back.

When we left the realtors office that first night after discovering the possibilities and the realities, I cried. I do not believe everyone is entitled to own their own home, I believe it is a priveledge. I feel so blessed and so completely grateful that we are able to do something that I thought we would not be able to do for at least another 5 years. Knowing that Jack will have a home that is ours to grow up in and that when we bring our new baby home from the hospital, we will be bringing him or her somewhere we have established for their future means so much to me. The whole thought of it still feels like a dream, but I feel good about that. I am happy that I am humbled by this, because it means that I truly treasure and appreciate everything that we have.