Thursday, August 6, 2009

Annabelle or Lamp Shade?

Choosing a name for your future child is probably one of the most exciting- and sometimes overwhelming-things about pregnancy. Well, for me at least. You get to choose the name your child will carry with them for the rest of their life, assuming they do not hate it so much that they stomp on your heart and legally change it themselves.

When I was pregnant with Jack, the husband and I knew what name we wanted immediately. He suggested it, I loved it, so it would be. Choosing Grace's name was not as easy. It took a lot more consideration and throwing names back and forth (Well mostly me throwing them and my husband saying "no"). I would watch T.V., listen to songs, read books, and stare at waitress' name tags for inspiration. Godforbid this baby turn out to be a boy, because there is a good chance I'll be inspired by my cereal one morning in the hospital and throw "Tucan Sam" on the birth certificate.

After going through the first pregnancy, and receiving a different reaction everytime someone asked me what we were planning on naming the baby, I was a little hesitant about divulging number two's name. I did not enjoy the contorted faces people would display as I revealed to them my first born's name. It was if I farted in their face with words. I have known people who have actually changed the name they wanted to name their child because of reactions alone.

I still get the same fart wrenched faces among those I reveal number two's name to. I have come to like and appreciate names that are classic, names that have stood the test of time. Names that my kids can take with them through the different stages in their lives. I put a lot of thought into the process, and so when someone gives me a forced "oh, that's nice", I want to rip off their face (or sit and cry, depending on my mood).

So, the moral of the story is that when I am pregnant with number three NO ONE is learning his or her name until the day he or she enters the world. It is I who has to carry the little bugger for nine months, I who has to suffer the stretch marks and weight gain, and I(and my husband) who have to suffer the hormones and sleepless nights and getting spit up and peed on and who can't shower for three days straight- so we can name them whatever the hell we want. Lamp Shade.


carterhaileyzoesmommy said...

AHHAHAH. That is so true. Well, I will tell you that I LOVE that name (and Jack for that matter too!) And that is one of our girl names if we ever get pregnant again! Hope your hanging in there, especially with the heat and you are nearing the end!!

Saying it the way I see it! said...

I appologize if I ever gave you that face... If I have ever if wasn't for any of the reason mentioned in this latest blog... My face tends to make faces without my knowledge :)
I do quite like both Jack and Grace. Simple is great. All these dramatic names every one names their kids are ridiculous. They're not doing their kids any favors. Look like me, per say, I have a very familiar name however my mom wanted me to be alittle different, and there's no a single person, outside of my immediate family that has spelled my name correctly the first time they wrote it down... I even get different ways to say it just cause its different spelling... Single and Old fashion is good. I like the name Katherine a lot, but Tim hates it... he gave me that farting face when I mentioned it... We have girl names picked that other people would be disgusted at too... Gosh forbid we like something without others approval...