Saturday, July 26, 2008

Either the light is getting brighter, or I have been choosing to keep my eyes closed this whole time.

I think things have been getting better, mostly because I am forcing myself to reevaluate my perceptions. I need to stop letting things get to me so easily, because as soon as they do I let them consume me. I spend to much time dwelling on things. Dwelling does not solve anything, and it does not make things go away. Sure, my schedule is hard and I have a lot on my plate, but who doesnt?

I think the biggest help lately is finding out how much company I really do have- knowing that I am not the only one going through the struggles of paying off things and working hard to become successful for my family is so reassuring and so refreshing.

Yes, I buy the value time paper towels at giant eagle, I only put on the air conditioning on when our skin starts to melt, we are completely pumped that we were able to buy a 1999 car so we dont have to have another car payment, and I am the girl standing in aisle 5 complaining how expensive potato chips are. I have learned not to put too much investment on what I have, or what I dont have yet. I am so young, and I am so excited about my future and I need to stop worrying about the small things. We'll get there when we need to, and when we do we will appreciate it.

I had the most wonderful meeting with my boss yesterday. I found out how much potential I have in the company, and how much he truly believes in my abilities. I am so excited for my family and to know that one day- sooner than later- we will be comfortable. I wont have to be so anal about where every single penny goes. I might still buy value time paper towels though...just to keep me grounded.