This morning was my first official prenatal appointment for peanut number two. It was the relief to things I didn't even know I needed relief from. I just left the doctor feeling calm and yet giddy about what is to come. I am so happy I decided to stick with my doctor despite his change in hospitals. It really sounds like the new hospital is going to be even better. As opposed to Magee's 35 or more deliveries a day, Mercy only has about 7-10. I remembered what a stressor that was when I was being induced with Jack. They were not sure if they were going to be able to get me in because they were so busy that day and we were basically waiting for someone to push a kid out so we could take their room. You do not do that to am impatient pregnant woman. I just hope the food is as good at Mercy as it was at Magee...because I almost considered moving in it was so good.
Another wonderful happening was hearing the heartbeat! At only 9 1/2 weeks, that is rare. Apparently this child already recognizes my paranoia's and decided it was best for everyone to be heard. This also means that my uterus might not be backwards anymore WHICH MEANS I might not have to pee through a tube for a week!!! YAY! Here's hoping.
I was also worried about my weight gain. Random side note, I was reading "Fit Pregnancy" in the waiting room and there was an article that said the new American Medical Association's recommendation for weight gain and pregnant women is going to be 5-22 lbs. kjdsflkjflkjasdflkjsdflkjasd;fjas;oijrijtlkjwtlkjw oijjfslkjfsl
Sorry after writing that I had to remove my gaping jaw from the keyboard. THE BABY SHOULD WEIGH MORE THAN 5 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My eye is twitching. Anyway. I was worried about how much weight I have gained. Not only have I started to show quite a bit more than the first time around, but the past couple of weeks gravy has been substituted for salad dressing and most beverages. To my surprise I have only gained four pounds. That is a far cry from the 10plus I had already packed on by now with Jack. I guess gravy does a body good. Suck it American Medical Association.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Number two already pacifies mommy's paranoia
Posted by Momma Bird at 3:18 PM 3 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Mommy Brain
Mommy brain- It is this mysterious disease that attacks the pregnant mother's brain and prevents her from functioning normally. There are actually studies out there that the hormones alter your way of thinking and that there may actually be possible SLIGHT brain shrinkage during pregnancy. I remember mommy brain during my pregnancy with Jack. I would do silly things like shave my right leg but forget to shave my left, put the cereal in the refrigerator, and my favorite was while I was making a cake I cracked the eggs and threw the shells in the bowl and the yolks in the trash can. Yay! This round of mommy brain is a little worse. Sure, I do little silly things, like, last night I caught myself putting the salt shaker in the fridge but I have noticed this brain disease seeping into my work. I make these silly mistakes. It is like when you take a math test and you are working on this really long algebraic problem and you get it wrong because you added two and two and got seven. Except you know that it obviously the wrong answer, but it happened. You had a brain fart. Well, right now my mind thinks two plus two is ALWAYS seven. My brain is always farting! I am not even sure how to end this post, because my brain decided it does not feel like thinking anymore. Brain fart.
Posted by Momma Bird at 4:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Meal Go-Getter Etiquette 101
Let's say that you are in charge of going to get lunch for your family or friends. One of the people you are getting food for requests pretzels and apple slices with their sandwich. Let's say said establishment is out of these items. Do you simply forget getting them anything in addition and only bring back their sandwich? No, you get them a different item- perhaps another bag of chips that the establishment is carrying at the time. Who cares if you do not know what flavor they like. Obviously this person was VERY hungry to order two sides with their sandwich, so to come back with NONE and only a sandwich may result in them wanting to A) Cry B) Punch someone or C) Force this person to go to the grocery store so that they can get pretzels and an apple and then they find themselves buying a whole peanut butter and chocolate pie that they plan on eating with their emotions later on in the day or D) All of the above.
Posted by Momma Bird at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Who's fault is this?
So I watch the "Biggest Loser" sometimes- usually when it is the off season and there absolutely nothing else on. I like seeing the results and the before and afters of everyone- which is probably the only thing that keeps me hooked. Usually when I am watching it, I am eating a massive amount of junk food. A bowl of ice cream and a dozen chocolate chip cookies is most likely exactly what you should be eating while you watch 16 people work their butts off as they struggle with their over-eating issues.
ANYWAY, they always promote different kinds of food products. They will all be casually sitting around at breakfast as one of them pulls out a quaker oatmeal box and tells everyone how wonderful QUAKER OATMEAL is to help you get your day started-there is nothing like QUAKER OATMEAL. I'm cool with that- promote healthy options away! But, then, they went too far. You are probably why I am bringing this up right now. See, I go through a pack of gum a day. I have this crazy oral fixation where I MUST BE CHEWING ON SOMETHING AT ALL TIMES or my arms will fall off and I'll grow a third eye. Well, this week EXTRA was on sale, so I bought it. When I opened the lid it said something to the effect of "BIGGEST LOSER RECOMMENDS THIS AS A SNACK". When the hell did gum become a snack? As in, when the hell did it become ok to start including it in our daily meal plan. "For breakfast I had QUAKER OATMEAL and for lunch I had 4 pieces of EXTRA polar ice gum...yum..count me out for dinner, because I think that last piece put me over the top". How about we just learn to eat healthy and exercise and save the gum to freshen our breath....or, in my case, save our appendages.
Posted by Momma Bird at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
He's just not that into you can suck it.
No spoilers heres. I went to see "he's just not that into you" with cheman yesterday. The ending of the movie was wrapped in a nice little bow, where all of the storylines- for the most part- came to a cutesy little ending. However, not before the movie completely portrayed women as crazy CRAZIES who only obsess about love and relationships and are either waiting by the phone for a guy to call of waiting for him to pop the question. I would like to say that I am not a feminist by any stretch of the imagination, and that I am a happily married woman. However, I did once date and I had crushes on guys so I know what it is like to have NO FREAKING CLUE what a guy is thinking about where you two might be going. All this movie does is say is that if you have no idea what is going on then nothing is. And, that all women do is obsess about every little nuance a guy does and that we go home after every first date and start planning our destination weddings. Hold on a second! First of all, I am not a desperate person, and I do not know ANYONE who goes out with a guy and comes home and starts choosing baby names. Second, the one thing they never thought to touch on in this movie was the fact that MAYBE JUUUUST MAYBE the reason women get so confused is because men play more games and add more drama to dates and relationships than women. Men always claim to be so simple and so straightforward- and if that is in fact the case, then why the hell do they just not tell you exactly what they want from the get go. Do not give a woman your number and take hers and tell her you'll call her and that the two of you should go out again sometime and not mean it. If you do not like her and you do not ever want to see her again, tell her. 97.8753% of women sit there wondering what is going on because men allow them to think there is something going on. So women turn out to look like desperate little freaks. And, if you aren't a desperate little freak, then you fall under the categories of control freak, wishful marriage freak, or conniving stealing husband freak.
So, maybe I took my reaction to this innocent romantic comedy too seriously, but all I did through that ENTIRE movie was whisper things like "women aren't THAT ridiculous" or "what the hell?" . And, then when I got home all me and my pregnant hormones did was be annoyed.
Posted by Momma Bird at 10:50 AM 2 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
First Trimester Blues
I do not remember feeling THIS lousy during my first trimester with Jack. Yeah I was a little more tired, and maybe my emotions were a little amplified, but nothing like this. I could probably sleep all day long if I was allowed to. I have had to resort to a cup of...wait for it...regular coffee (waits for yelling). I have to...I can physically not get through some days without a late afternoon cup of coffee. And, because I am THAT tired, I am equally as moody. I do not mean to be, but I feel like I go around secretly set to kill at any point in time. And let's not forget the empty pit that has established itself as my stomach. So much for NOT gaining the 47lbs I did with Jack. I just ate a bagel and drank some hot chocolate and I could probably eat about three more bagels if I let myself. Do you have any idea how annoying it is to be constantly hungry and not want to be? This is shit. All I have to do is make it through these next four weeks and hopefully once I am out of the first trimester I will morph back into a human being.
On a lighter note, I am REALLY excited about this baby. So I guess if I go to jail 100lbs heavier for killing an innocent bystander, my new little bundle of joy will be all worth it.
Posted by Momma Bird at 8:55 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Month 17
Dear Jack,
When I dropped you off at daycare this morning, you did not want me to leave and in turn that caused me to cry. I am not sure if it is the extra hormones streaming through my body or the fact that Monday through Wednesday I see you when we go to work/daycare and when I get home at 8:45 to put you to bed, and then Thursday and Friday and Saturday in the morning and evening. The only day I see you all day is Sunday. Mommy's job is a blessing and a curse. A blessing that helps us pay our bills and keep us a float, and a curse January-April because it keeps me from you and your father. Thankfully it is only for that period, but that does not make it any easier.
You are 17 months old, almost a year and a half. You have developed your own language, but have also started to put phrases like "bye bye daddy" together. You are always on energizer bunny mode and your hair is just as ridiculous as ever. You keep us busy and you keep us laughing.
The biggest development in our family right now is the upcoming newest addition. We were not planning on it, but I am really happy that you will have someone close to your age to grow up with. I am sure it will be a major adjustment, and you experience a shift in the way our family funs. I promise that you will still get our undivided attention as much as we can give it to you. There will be someone else that will rely on me a little more for a while, but you will always be my baby and I promise that no matter how many directions I am pulled I will always make time for you and will always be there to take care of you.
Posted by Momma Bird at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Best laid plans are not always what is best for us.
I see these people that seem like they have it all- like everything comes easily for them and life is easy and they do not have to worry about a lot of the things I worry about day in an day out. That seems to be what we plan on in high school, and the beginning of college. That we are going to set ourselves up for a life of ease. My parents have two cars and a house and go on vacations and buy whatever they want, so will I. Then you make decisions, and the road you are on begins to wind a little- and then sometimes a lot. You feel like you are careening down a huge hill and your brakes are broken and you feel like you have absolutely no control. When I found out I was pregnant with Jack, that is how I felt. What am I going to do? How did I let this happen? I was supposed to finish college, be successful, and have a stable foundation set up for a family. I questioned god in those first few months. Everything that kept happening, what was he doing to us? How much more did he think we could take? Today, sitting here and looking back on the last 3 years I finally understand that God knew exactly what I was doing. I was not traveling out of control, I was just coming down for a safe landing.
Everytime I thought we would not get through something, things would happen to allow us to. I can not tell you how blessed I feel. How glad I am that my best laid plans did not work out. I am thankfull for the early lessons I learned, for the family I am growing, for the friends...the real friends I still have in my life, and the financial security that has been given to us. Sure we have bills and debts we are paying off, but there is always enough to get us through.
Now, there is a new baby on his or her way. We were talking about having another, but realistically new that affording two children in daycare was out of the question right now. But, God had different plans and a path was paved and here we are seven and a half weeks a long with another addition to our family. I was shocked at first and scared, but prayers were answered faster than I ever expected and now because of Bill's new successful promotion we are good to go for another baby. It is hard to think that things are not meant to be sometimes. It feels so good to be where we are, to know where we are going and to have the lessons of where we came from helping to shape the decisions we make. I remember the days when nothing seemed right, or it felt like everyone was passing me by, but if you are doing all you can then maybe your not lost. Maybe you are just traveling on a different path that is better for you, and one day you'll be able to look back and see the road you traveled and how much better you are for it.
Posted by Momma Bird at 8:45 AM 2 comments