Monday, May 5, 2008

I am sitting at my desk right now listening to an older couple talk. I am not intentionally listening, but it is hard to find something else to concentrate on. Their topics so far have consisted of:

1) the scuffiness of the floor
2) the chances the furniture has been recently reupholstered.
3) if her lipstick is crooked
4) if she should take her jacket off now or later
5) hoping that I knew who they were here to see because he was not out yet and it had been more than 3 minutes
6) their fear that it may rain before they are able to get home.

In my head, I was beginning to poke fun at them...oh, silly old people and their silly old people concerns. Then I caught myself and realized that Bill and I fall asleep on the couch by 930 most nights and I ask him 65 times if things look ok and that after we are not met within 5 minutes I also complain.

Little events in life continuously teach me about Bill and I and our relationship. I concern myself over what we could change to create a fight free atmosphere. Maybe if we were more financially set, maybe if we had two cars, maybe if our work loads were lighter, maybe if we were able more time out together, ....maybe if the sky was purple. Age, financial status, free time, and all of those other factors we try and change in hopes of making our lives better and our relationships stronger only create excuses for us to fall back on. People go through rough patches, they have problems, people question, people falter and become boring and predictable and that is ok. No matter how long you have been together or how much you love each other, every so often you hit thin ice and you have to make a choice. You give up and leave, or your get their initials tattooed on your arm to show them that you are still in it if they are. Love is wanting to be with someone forever, just sitting on a park bench holding hands...or in an accountants office asking if you were able to put your lipstick on straight that morning and knowing they will tell you the truth because it isn't their fault they can only see two inches in front of them.