Dear Peanut, Grace Potato, Little Bean:
Last week, you turned two months old. These two months went much faster than the last two you were in my tummy. One thing you will learn is how impatient I am- almost nauseatingly so (your father is the total opposite, so it all evens out in the end). You really gave me a run for my money those last three weeks- the constant contractions, the constant discomfort. I suppose perhaps you wanted out just as much as I did.
So far, you have proven to be your brother's complete opposite (aside from the fact that you are a girl and not a boy. You are calm, laid back, and content. We can hold you (sitting down) for a long period of time without you screaming and kicking and wailing. You enjoy bath time- a far stretch from your brothers reaction to the "flesh eating acid water" we were obviously immersing him in. You do not hate the car, which makes traveling that much less stressful. You are just easier, much easier. I think God made the right choice giving us the little monster (I say that with endearing love) first. It was nice that he has been easy on us the second time around. Even when you cry, it is so completely unintimidating.
After experiencing one child's growth from an infant to a toddler, I am excited to see how you will develop and who you will become. I am so excited to share a birthday with you, and I hope that you will feel the same way. I hope we can spend it together doing ridiculously girly things like shopping and getting our hair and nails done. I look at your beautiful little face and I hope and pray the inevitable teen girl attitude years are minimal and that you keep the number of times you tell me how much you can't wait to leave home down below five occasions. Sigh...for now I will soak in these moments when you need me and I can hold you and rock you and smell you- oh man...I forgot how good new born babies smell.
I also forgot how much babies grow and change during the first year of their lives. You are already smiling and chatting in your baby language and developing your own little personality. It seems like just yesterday you were staring up at me with those big eyes soaking in your new world.
Your birth marked a significant change in our family- we went from a family of three to a family of four. You evened us out, and brought us to that next level. Your birth made me a mother of two, and brought me to the realization that I am a wife, a mother, an adult with responsibilities and truly at that next stage in life. Not that I did not know that before- trust me I knew! You just helped it soak in. When over three quarters of your life is spent growing up and figuring out who you are- finding your identity and where you want life to take you, it takes a little bit of time to finally get to the point where you can finally take a moment to realize that you found yourself. You are where you are supposed to be- yeah, it took some time and some trial and error, but you made it. Thank you for that gift.
Thank you, also, for sleep...goodness I love sleep. Those first 7 weeks were down right ridiculous. I felt like a shell of a human being, a zombie at best. About a week and a half ago, you started sleeping pretty much through the night. Screw water boarding, put one of those guys in a room alone with a new born baby day and night and believe me they will talk...they will be BEGGING to talk! In retrospect, it has already gone too fast- and all of those sleepless nights are totally worth this face:
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Month 2- Grace
Posted by Momma Bird at 10:10 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Month 26
Dear Jack-
Your recently rolled past your 26th month alive. You are cuter and funnier than ever- and I find myself laughing hysterically at the things you say (regardless of whether I should be or not). I decided to step aside of the usual monthly letter and make a list of some of the things you say and do. I'm sure I am doing this more for my own benefit that yours- selfish, I know, but I figure the stretch marks engraved in my body allow me that priveledge once in awhile.
I need to remember these things, and I know that I won't, I know it is humanly impossible. I can not go the rest of my life not being reminded of these things- these darn things that come out of this little mouth only 26 months old.
Here are some of the greatest hits:
-"You're Ridiculous" Always directed towards me----thanks.
-"Are you kiddin' me?" You started this one day immediatly after I said it in response to a driver cutting me off. Only more proof that you are ALWAYS listening and absorbing.
-"What are you talkin' about" and "I dont care" are always accompanied by a shoulder shrug and both arms raised in the air, palms facing up.
-"I'm relaxing" or "I relax?" which is always conveniently said post a tantrum, when we tell you it is time for bed.
-"I'm awake mommy" Which you say after I have changed your diaper and obviously have already established for myself. You just like to make sure I know, that you are in fact not sleep walking, but awake.
-"Touchdown! Go state" Every time you throw your football or watch a football game on tv. It also does not matter who is playing- they are always "state". Your father is so proud. oh and footballs are "hitballs"
-"sigh....geez" You usually say this very low, almost under your breath. It comes after you ask me to get you something and I ask you to please hold on a minute. You ask about 1390284093824 times in a row, and when I finally can't take it anymore and drop what I am doing to get you a drink (or whatever may be the case)you exclaim this in frustration.
-"We go THIS way!" Regardless of which way we need to travel, you always have an input of which way we SHOULD be going, and then get mad when we do not take your suggestion.
-"CA CHOW" - or anything recitable from the cars movie
- "A truck....another truck.....ANOTHER TRUCK!" You are never failed to be amazed by the presence of large trucks everytime we get in the car. You point out them all, and you request us to find you more when you no longer see them. If I controlled traffic, do you think I would buy Great Value bottled water from Walmart? No- we would drink Figi, why?- because I control traffic and the figi trucks would drive directly to our home. I really do not know where I was going with that...anyway...
-"A clue! ANOTHER Clue!" In response to seeing nittany lion paw magnets on the fridge. God bless you Blues Clues.
-"Yeeeeah" which is usually said in the tone of a sigh, and is your default response for everything...well, except when you are being a 2 year old and then your default response is "NO". Jack, would you like pizza? "NO" Would you like a hotdog? "NO" Would you like world peace? "NO"
-"I had fun at grammy's. I sit by the fire. It was comfy." You are beginning to have unprompted conversations with us. It is as equally adorable as it is a testiment to how much you are growing up.
And last, but not least, my favorite "I lub you mommy".
I lub you too buddy.
Posted by Momma Bird at 3:34 PM 2 comments